All about community

Gaming, movies – friends, family – cute animals and good eats. Our community is filled with people who enjoy a wide range of activities while spending time together. In our last article, we talked about Akliz as a company, where we came from, and where we are going. Now, I want to tell you about what matters most: our community.

We wouldn’t be where we are now without everyone in our community. In fact, I wouldn’t have been hired here at all if it weren’t for our weekly game nights, which is how I found out about Akliz in the first place. Before I worked here, I thought that any company that actively engaged with its users, and had employees that loved what they do so much that they do it in their free time, was a good one. Once I got hired, I planned on continuing to push that value from within Akliz. I want to get to know our customers in a way that’s more than metrics, and give everyone a place to hang out.

Our staff almost entirely consists of certified Gamers™. I wouldn’t buy from a company whose employees don’t use and enjoy the company’s product or service, so it’s important that we not only use our game servers, but are interested in the community and culture surrounding gaming.

How do you do, fellow kids meme

Real photograph of Akliz employee EvilSpaceBunny engaging with the community

It’s all fun and games

The netizens of the Akliz universe mostly reside within our Discord server. It’s a place for anyone to hang out, even if they aren’t Akliz customers. We talk about games, post memes, share our pet pics (stick around to the end for a sneak peek), food pics and more.

We have a weekly game night as well, where we get everyone together to play various games or other activities. Anyone can request a game they think will be fun for everyone to play, and anyone can join. We’ve played just about anything you can think of such as Minecraft, modpacks, PalWorld, Jack Box, Project Zomboid, 7 Days to Die, and so much more. So bring your friends and your friends’ friends, and your friends’ friends’ dogs, the more the merrier. You don’t even have to play to hang out, come join us when we’re in voice chat!

Sometimes we also do events, and we have several competitive events in the planning phase now. I can’t say much more about that, other than there may be prizes!

Mashup of playing Minecraft and Palworld with our friends

We do all sorts of things in our weekly game nights. Here are some examples.

Getting help with your own games

While we try to keep our Discord community server focused around people just hanging out and having fun, sometimes you just need help with something. Usually we ask people to open an official ticket, since that’s the best place to get help with your server right now. But, we also have a place to ask quick support questions from the community and to make suggestions or offer feedback on our services and platform.

We don’t allow support topics in any channel, just the #quick-questions forum channel. This helps keep the rest of the discussion free of interruptions. If you want to give suggestions and/or feedback about anything, including adding new games, new website features, or anything else, you can check out the #suggestions forum channel. We always read every single message anyone sends, and we take even individual user suggestions into consideration. Tons of our website features started as user suggestions!

We have big plans for the future of our community. I can’t spoil anything yet, but I think everyone is going to love all the events, features and more that are coming. What would you like to see us do, community-wise? Join our Discord server and let us know!

Oh right, I promised pet pics. We’d love to see yours too!

Just a few of the Akliz community’s furry friends